Please give 48 hours to cancel or change appointments
To avoid rescheduling fees, please provide cancellation notice at least 48 hours prior to your appointment. You can cancel or reschedule your appointment by calling or texting our office at
717-880-5551 or 717-588-2190 or emailing us at
Please note that once you have booked an appointment with us it means that we have reserved time in our schedule exclusively for you. ​
If you cancel or change your appointment less than 48 hours before it is scheduled to take place you will be subject to a $25 rescheduling fee.
If you miss an appointment without notice you will be subject to a $45 no-show rescheduling fee.
If you cancel or change your appointment less than 48 hours before it is scheduled to take place, or you miss an appointment without notice, three times, you will not be permitted to schedule future appointments.
If you cancel or change your appointment less than 48 hours before it is scheduled to take place, or you miss an appointment without notice, your non-refundable deposit will be used as your rescheduling fee and you will have to pre-pay for your appointment in full when you reschedule.
Pre-payments and deposits are non-refundable if you cancel or change your appointment less than 48 hours before it is scheduled to take place, or you miss an appointment without notice,